Female Hockey Process


Executive Committee to Female Hockey Association

Reporting Procedure

  1. Executive Committee reports to
  2. Hockey Nova Scotia Female Council report to
  3. Hockey Nova Scotia Board

The Executive Chair(s) / FHA President(s) are invited to the HNSFC monthly meeting, where updates are provided from each zone Provincial issues are discussed problems are identified and options looked at for resolutions.

Administrative Procedure

  1. The zones set up Executive Committees that report to HNSFC. The goal of these committees is to allow them under the direction of HNSFC to have autonomy over female hockey, moving away from Minor Hockey Association. The goal within these Executive Committees is to each establish themselves as a fully recognized and approved HNS Female Hockey Associations.
  2. The roles and responsibilities of these Executive Committees in part are to manage coach selection, player selection, player tryout process, risk management issues, evaluation of the online female registry in conjunction with HNSFC.
  3. Each zone is required to establish an Executive Committee comprised of, but not limited to, the following positions:
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Registrar 
    4. Secretary/Treasurer 
    5. Coach Coordinator 
    6. Risk Management Coordinator

This committee is tasked with the day to day operations of female hockey within their zone under the authority of HNSFC. Minor hockey associations that have ice contracts and have agreed to host female hockey teams once contacted by the Executive Committee are only hosts.

Operational Process

  1. All players wishing to play female hockey must register online through the online female hockey registry. The registry opens in April (Date to be set by HNSFC) for the up coming season. The data collected by the online registry is reviewed by both the Executive Committee and the RD from HNSFC assigned to over see that area.
  2. In August HNSFC Chair will call a meeting of Council and all FHA Presidents and Executive Chairs. The purpose of this meeting is to look at numbers at all levels of play and attempt to populate teams in all levels of female Rep hockey. At this meeting Presidents and Chairs need to be aware of the number of teams they plan to ice at each level per divisions. They also need to come with requests they may have in the event they are short players at a particular level. At this meeting numbers are taken into consideration through the matrix and policies as to the number of teams that will be assigned at a level within a division.
  3. The Executive Chairs then go back to their respective FHAs or committees and look at getting their teams in order (tryouts for the balancing of teams and locations of where teams will be placed within the zone).  Once this is completed and reviewed by the RD, the local MHAs are approached by the Chairs to host teams. For areas that don't have their own set registration fees, teams are charged the fees that would be paid by other teams playing within the MHA who is hosting. The goal is that all Executive Committees look at establishing one common fee structure that registered players would pay within the zone. All teams are to be balanced first and then the area of where the player resides should be taken into consideration. To be clear, the player now plays within the female zone. The zone, as per HNS Regulations, is the home area not the MHA where they may have played.
  4. As issues come up for example number of players, teams playing with limited players or if players needing to be transferred from the zone this all goes through the RD and HNSFC.
  5. As outlined earlier within the Reporting Process, HNSFC hold monthly meetings during the season and all Chairs are invited to attend and participate in these meetings. Concerns are addressed at that time by the collective group.

The goal of setting up these Executive Committees is to provide the committees the hands-on experience of administering female hockey with the ultimate objective to form a female hockey association. This process has been put forward and approved by HNS. The goal is not to set up these committees as a way to remain under the MHA structure. Part of the new structure and the responsibility of the Executive Committee is understanding their role and responsibility and that the defined zone is where the players play not the boundaries set for minor hockey under the MHAs.